Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yahoo News. Gov't plans to curb vehicle growth: Lui

stop the foreign population growth! Too little space and too little facilities for 5.2 million ppl. I guess you guys only see the profits and not the problems.....

one suggestion: COE must pay by cash only (just like hdb cov) for the non locals.

the huge influx of foreigner has caused big massive congestion from roads to housing to transport and even public toilets. And now you wants us to pay for your mistake. Thank goodness for the !@#*% 60% (Apostrophes not foul words)

The immigration policy is now showing signs of a plan which does not consider other aspect of the national problems. In no time it will backfire like the stop at two policy.

Increase population further to this small island so that the government can make more money while the citizen can suffer further. What we need is quality talent and not quantity trash. It's the same issue to the high HDB prices when they open the floodgate to those so called talent that still need to stay in HDB. When will the government seriously ever sit down to look at the problem rather than always acting like an ostrich. The day will come when they are replaced. Down the PAPAYA.

here's a possible solution.........reduce the FTs = reduced congestion.

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