Monday, October 17, 2011

More S'poreans turn to private schools to get degrees

Another issue today in the Yahoo news that garnered majority of people blaming the foreigners.

The NUS and NTU are filled by foreign students and hence the local fools have to go for private university. I think the local fools are just wasting their time and money pursuing for a diploma or degree. The foreign talents armed with faked certificates will be selected for employment because they’re cheaper.

The main reason for them to go to private uni is becoz FT has invaded local unis and rape us of the scholarships!!!

locals - pay $ to foreign U - but FT come in (not sure degree real/not) get the job easy...
after local finish U, got job?
still thinking of the logic of this scenario... 伤脑筋

singaporean taking up private degree while foreigners at local univ how contradicting.

We work so hard and spend so much to get that desired certs but foreigners with fake certs that got the job!!!

Lin-Nia lah. Study so hard and waste money also lose jobs to FTs. Ku-Li-Kang cannot fight one.

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