Sunday, September 11, 2011

Attempt to collect comments left by Facebook friends and in Comments sections from Local News. More.

0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Robertl about a minute ago Report Abuse
" where in the world we are, what language we speak, and how our multi-racial, multi-faith society is at once diverse and yet harmonious."

Pls tell us where is Singapore, near china or india? why so many china people and indian people everywhere? Languages i also dun understand when Pinos talk english. Harmonious? Yes, you go cook curry lah.

2Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Jeffrey Peter 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
@ beggardog,

Are you so sure this is "your country"?!? Under the laws, singapore is the property of the singapore government: hence, why when your HDB apartment; albeit fuly pid up: goes enblock: the "majority" wishes it. And after going 'enblock" the government quickly sells it cheaply and/or rent it out to FTs and newbies only ending up YOU PAYING ANOTHER MORGAGE that was CLEARED in the first place through the HDB's offer for a "new" apartment to you.

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