Friday, September 23, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

‘A degree is nice, but we need something else’ By Seah Chiang Nee | SingaporeScene – Mon, Sep 19, 2011

Sophie 5 minutes ago Report Abuse
Hello, get real people. The government want the influx of young 'talented' foreigners who will then be offered PR status. This is to 'reverse' the ageing population. Look at the people in the MRTs and buses that you ride in the mornings to work. Foreigners holding positions that belonged to Singaporeans, but because only a limited number of Singapore qualify for uni education these people have taken the jobs. They don't have to serve national service. They are young and graduates of their own country's uni. They don't have to do 'A' levels. They save 4 1/2 years of their lives while we Singaporeans are penalised by having to do 'A' levels and national service before we can get a job and uni is limited to a few privileged. This is a country that does not care for its own people. Don't bother to say the pledge. We are united but the government isn't.

Devil At Work 42 minutes ago Report Abuse
they rather give free educations to FT hoping they'll become citizen once graduate mah, no need worry about fertility rate, soon papies will also be lead by FT

A: Aiya, Wiki & Yahoo, dun leak our elite vision anyhow lah.
B: Walau, true or not, why you prefer FT flood than bringing up local talents? Why so hurry, economic and GDP growth? Slowly, give us chance to join you, can or not?
C: Seeliao, where got chance to get Ah Boy + Ah Girl to U? After U, no job some more? @#$%, what Singaporean First?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Singapore final Q2 unemployment rate s/adj 2.1 pct

Yahoo news on 16th Sept 2011 about Singapore's lowering unemployment rate. Sounds like good news? Here are the comments.

Shooter 6 minutes ago Report Abuse
Still need to reduce the fake FTs by 50%, though unemployment rate is low, the Singaporean Salary also low compared to inflation, housing...etc. MOM should starts to filter them and stop giving those fake & unwanted FTs employment pass or work permit. FWs as cleaner, maids, constructions are OK, we need them.

Winston 32 minutes ago Report Abuse
What is the face of true-blue Singaporean? How the true-blue Singaporean looks like? I believed that all Singaporean are immigrants- either Indonesian-Singaporean, Malaysian-Singaporean, Chinese-Singapore as well as Indian-Singaporean.

0Eric 40 minutes ago Report Abuse
Can the MOM/LHL/Manpower Minister be more transparent by providing statistical figures on unemployed Singaporeans and unemployed non-Singaporeans, don't lump Singaporeans with PRs as resident you idiot, as we true-blue Singaporeans mentioned many times - what are you trying to hide?

Also, please provide employment figures on how many Singaporeans, PRs and FTs that are employed in the various business sectors - if other countries have these statistical figures available, I don't see why it should be hidden from the public view.

And explain how you arrive at the 2.1 unemployment rate??? I know of many PMETs who are still driving taxi or have jobs as security guards - you call that employment, this is temporary work!!! Please create an unemployment registry for Singaporeans and you will find that the unemployment figures for Singaporeans are much higher than what it was reported.

When can the garment be mature and treat us as ADULTS, still treating Singaporeans like IDIOTS???

If there is no hidden agenda, please publish the above statistical figures on the Singapore national paper for all Singaporeans to see and judge.....

NowUknow 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Can the number be divided into category Singaporean(excluding PR) and non Singaporean.

Before they build the CASINOS, they said the jobs are for SINGAPOREANS. After that, you see FT supervisors, FT workers, FT cleaners, FTs...... inside the CASINOS.

Of course, they hire some FTs to tekkan workers so that the place becomes undesireable workplace, what FTs controlling the work schedules, all the nonsense, MC cut pay........etc.

Sure, no local want to work in the SLAVE enviornment lah....... So they employ FTs, OK lah, they win lah....... So, Casino works not for us lah....... :( This is crazy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Attempt to collect comments left by Facebook friends and in Comments sections from Local News. More.

0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Robertl about a minute ago Report Abuse
" where in the world we are, what language we speak, and how our multi-racial, multi-faith society is at once diverse and yet harmonious."

Pls tell us where is Singapore, near china or india? why so many china people and indian people everywhere? Languages i also dun understand when Pinos talk english. Harmonious? Yes, you go cook curry lah.

2Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Jeffrey Peter 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
@ beggardog,

Are you so sure this is "your country"?!? Under the laws, singapore is the property of the singapore government: hence, why when your HDB apartment; albeit fuly pid up: goes enblock: the "majority" wishes it. And after going 'enblock" the government quickly sells it cheaply and/or rent it out to FTs and newbies only ending up YOU PAYING ANOTHER MORGAGE that was CLEARED in the first place through the HDB's offer for a "new" apartment to you.

A break