Let me put down some of my ideas and thoughts about my project in case some of you might be wondering just where I am heading with this.
We have recently been through some truly perspective changing times in Singapore, with the Presidential Election just over on can't help but be reminded about how ugly we Singaporeans can get when given the freedom of speech. It is just me that feels like its a mini General Election all over again? Why are the issues repeated? Why are the screamers screaming again? And all dirty linen swept under the carpet as soon as the GE was over so quickly pulled out for display?
Why do I say so? With the proliferation of new media engulfing our lives I can't help but realize that the "OB" markers once silently set in place have been removed amidst the blatant adoption and embrace of social networking and communicating tools. Not one day can go by without us hearing someone swearing, dissing, disrespecting and in some cases outright aggression towards our leaders and leaders to be.
One of the many issues that have been rehashed over and over again whenever one feels slightly insecure is the issue of foreign "invasion" and foreign talent.
How does this all affect my project and artwork? I have decided to break down this issue and look at it from one of the many perspectives and avenues that many Singaporeans have brought to light. Public transport. And in my particular case the use of the MRT. One mode of public transport that has seen its fair share of ups and down in the light of the issue that I am dealing with.
So how then does the "passenger" perceive and understand all that is going on around him? Amidst the hustle and bustle of commuting, along with the emotional and psychical strain one experiences while taking this journey to wherever he may desire to go.
This dichotomy of "us vs them" and "them vs us" will always be an ensuing power struggle. Who then needs who and who is the one that has the final say? This is what I am to explore in my artwork.
P.S I shall be the train stations and take the train every now and then to allow myself to take pictures, pen down more thoughts and do various sketches. All of which should appear on the blog very soon as I get back into the flow of updates here.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tofer Chin

I came across this artist some years ago and recently looked at his works again. The bold use of colors and symmetrical shapes are quite in line with what I had in mind when I was thinking about how I could utilize multiples and symbols as representation of my topic at hand without being too direct. But then again, hitting it hard is also on the top of my agenda. Maybe I should see how I could strike a balance.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Catch up.
Unfortunately my surname provides me with the privileges of having to present (class presentation tutorial) all my History Modules in the first few weeks leaving me breathless (and timeless!)
However art is still my loved subject and ideas have been flowing ever since I embarked on this project.
Here are some pictures of Artworks I find inspiring and very interesting.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Attempt to collect comments left by Facebook friends and in Comments sections from Local News.
This is an attempt to collect comments as I come across them in my personal Facebook page. And also from Yahoo news and other local news sites which have the comments section available.
*All these comments are direct cut & paste. I have not input any of my own thoughts nor have edited any comments. They are as raw as it gets.
*All these comments are direct cut & paste. I have not input any of my own thoughts nor have edited any comments. They are as raw as it gets.
Why is there always some Indian or China people standing on the right blocking the way? Must we put signage in their language for them to understand "Keep Left, Walk Right". Wait a minute, do they even know how to read?
Jumbo 16 hours ago Report Abuse
All over the world, it is the Government's responsibilitiy to provide medical and health support as well as transport! Don't come and tell us that Greece has gone bankrupt because of their welfare system?? If that is the case, all countries in the world would be bankrupt including our northern neighbour!
For a start, why not cut down your salary including your ministers and MPs as well as that of the President! It will save alot and could be channeled to the needy ones who cannot afford the high cost of hospitalisation.
Merciless Society Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:34 SGT Report Abuse
Thanks to the poor policy of the MOM and HDB to allow the Floodgate of foreign workers and FT into this already populated tiny island. Everything done nowadays are for the interests of the FT but not the man in the street.
Xg 6 hours ago Report AbuseSingapore have indeed change so much for the past five to ten years. Body found every other week. Cultures have changed, I still remember days, where we used to stand behind the yellow line allowing people to get off the train before we get on. And now foreign talents are standing in front of the doors pushing to get in. Litters around; people smoking at bus stops; people spitting on the ground. It is becoming more like China. I am not proud of Singapore anymore.
Donald 7 hours ago Report Abuse
No lah, just like everything else, crowded MRT, crowded Housing, crowded road and crowded shopping centres, so cemetary also crowded what. Then everything so expensive, aiyah just lie down and die, sudah la.
Willie 5 hours ago Report Abuse
you gotta be kidding me, i am 55 yrs old its got nothing to do with foreigners, we are like that. every morning the bangla sweepers cleaned the staircase by noon its full of rubbish, way back its singaporeans, without these hardworking cleaners how the hell we gloat about sing is a fine and clean city. when i first took the mrt singaporean rush in without letting me and others to get out, SINGAPOREANS, even heard a sing mom tell the children to cheong ah into the train.
Handsome Gorgeous 4 hours ago Report Abuse
I agree with Willie. Lemme ask you guys. Who are the ones usually sitting at the lorry's back and who's the one driving? Singaporeans are usually the ones inside driving, while all the banglahs have to sit outside under the hot sun and they dont complain. If it was you singaporeans, i bet you would complain and complain. You singaporeans are never satisfied. Singapore is an advanced country. Obviously prices of stuff are high. Why not move to Africa then, if you're so unhappy? Housing that is cheap. Go on. You just dont know how lucky you are to be born in Singapore. And yes, im a singaporean. and i support FT.
I am FT. I am F*cking Talented. (My friend said this. I think it's awesome.)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ideas popping. First test post.
After some thought and discussion I shall embark on my Journey as a "Passenger" in my own interpretation of the current situation our little nation-state is facing in these relevantly recent times.
Enjoy the ride with me.
It's gonna get bitter.
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