Monday, November 7, 2011

Concluding post.

This wrap up post is a follow up to the previous long post (refer 2 posts below) on the ideas and concepts behind the final outcome of this art project. In this post I shall focus on the process of the final developments on the portrait photographs as well as the 10 miniature sculptures of the middle fingers.

I shall first discuss about the sculptures. I first had a hard time deciding how the outcome of the figures would become. And after much contemplation and discussion (also due to reality constraints) I decided to work on miniatures. I have much experience painting miniatures (mainly 28mm) but this was my first attempt at sculpting them. Many alien hands were sacrificed as I tried and experimented till I was satisfied that it represented a hand and ultimately a middle finger quite appropriately. In fact, during the photo-shoot session I was genuinely flattered as many of my picture subjects asked me where I bought my miniature hands from and who actually produces such stuff!

For the portrait shots it was definitely a real challenge getting the 100 shots. I met a lot of people and also met with a lot of resistance! It was very gratifying get all the responses as I explained to them what my project was about, as well as trying to explain why I had chosen to use such a ‘vulgar’ literal expression for my topic. And I am glad that majority of the responses I had is actually in support and am on the same page as the artwork expression. There were also a small percentage of people who totally did not agree with my artwork and wanted nothing to do with it. Can’t please everyone I guess.

The responses I have received at the gallery opening itself was also very encouraging. Although one cannot deny that it is partly due to the controversial issue and artwork I did. I also can see that many were interested further as they asked me about my project from an aesthetic and concept point of view. This was not just the art people but from the guests as well.

Overall I had a very good experience working with this project as I opted to work with art forms and materials that I had no or very little experience with. And I worked around the constraints and issues to produce an artwork that I am very satisfied with. This was also my first time attempting a topic on such a controversial and “OB marker” issue coupled with an equally blatant and controversial sculpture and expression.